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R. Burleson
R. Bush
R. Jones
J. Lindeman
T. Puhl
P. Sheridan
H. Spilman
M. Sullivan
T. Teufel
R. Wilfong
The Friends
Good Brother
Lineup 2003
Lineup 2002
Lineup 2001
Lineup 2000

The RBI ROMs Page
 Official RBI ROM mascot ROMulus chats with RBI Legend Phil Garner
This page will house all original and user-created ROMs for RBI Baseball, playable on your computer. If you don't know how to play RBI on your computer, please see the following FAQ Question. Once you have an emulator and are ready to go, try out the following ROMs. I will try to keep this updated and credit the original authors when I know them.
The Standard ROMs
- Original RBI Baseball - The regular version of RBI with all the original teams. Licensed version, aka grey cartridge. Download this if you just want to play RBI on your computer.
- Original RBI, Unlicensed- Unlicensed version of RBI, aka black cartridge. Plays identically to the licensed copy, but doesn't have copyright notice on the opening screen.
- Stuffed Licensed RBI- The original licensed version of RBI, but stuffed with extra data and Super Sprint tiles. The player data is stored in a different location and this ROM should only be used by RBI ROM editing junkies. The Original Licensed Baseball above plays the same and is much smaller.
- Overstuffed Licensed RBI- Similar to the above stuffed version, but actually filled with even more useless data. This seems to be the most popular RBI ROM on the Internet and is the largest (260K) by far. If you are planning on editing teams using the RBI Manager, you have to use this ROM.
RBI Arcade ROMs
- Atari vs RBI (Arcade) - The arcade version of RBI, with all the All-Time teams. This is the real arcade ROM file, meaning you have to play it with an arcade emulator such as MAME. Definitely worth playing, see my Arcade Page for more info...
- RBI Arcade in NES format - The original RBI Arcade, but converted to the iNES format. What this basically means is that it is the same game as above, but playable on a NES emulator instead of MAME. The only emulator that we know of that plays it perfectly is FCE Ultra. Since that is our favorite emulator anyway, it works out well. Remember to use F8 to insert a coin.
- RBI Arcade, Tengenized - This version of RBI Arcade starts with the NES version of RBI. This means it plays more like the NES version, simply with the RBI player data added. Gone are the most of the features unique to RBI Arcade - inserting coins, timers to hit/pitch, tie games after 9 innings, etc. If you just want the RBI Arcade players, but the gamemplay of the Tengen version, this is the ROM for you.
Hacked Original ROMs
- Original RBI, same teams & 2 Player pause - This is the exact same ROM as the original, but specifcially hacked so you can pause the game as either player. It also lets players select the same teams, making it the perfect ROM for online play...
- RBI3 with 1985 Cardinals - This is not a user created team, but an actual team in RBI3 that was in the game but for some reason isn't selectable. We're not sure why they were left out, but nightwulf finally gives the 85 Cards their due.
Other Versions of RBI
- RBI Baseball 2 - The NES sequel to RBI, which adds more teams and drastically changes the gameplay. Most diehard RBI fans do not like RBI2, but there are a few people who do.
- RBI Baseball 3 - Third part in the RBI Series, also for the NES. Made some improvements and is definitely better than part 2. There's a small fanbase who think RBI3 is the best of the series.
- Family Stadium ROMs - The Japanese version of RBI, and pretty much the basis for the American version we all know and love. All the text is in Japanese and it might not work on some emulators, though it works fine on FCE Ultra. The original or Family Stadium are the two versions that play closest to the original, but all have the RBI feel and add some neat features.
User Created RBI ROMs
These are the fun ones, many devoted RBI fans have edited the contents of the original RBI ROM, adding their own players and teams. The quality varies greatly, but I'll put the best ROMs near the top of the list.
- JRG's RBI ROMs - JRG has created a whole bnuch of RBI ROMs spanning from 1969 to 2003. Instead of linking each one, check out his site on rbicentral so it stays up to date.
- Beefmaster's RBI 2005 - Forum resident Beefmaster created a ROM for the current 2005 MLB season. Rosters are accurate as of April 2005, and you can get a list of teams, players and abilities here.
- Ultimate7's RBI Arcade II - Dee-Nee Forum veteran Ultimate7 created a ROM with in the spirit of RBI Arcade, yet used 10 new teams - Pirates, Royals, Phillies, Tigers, WhiteSox, Indians, Orioles, Brewers, Expos, and Twins. Click here for full rosters and abilities..
- Scroope's 2004 Playoff ROM - The eight 2004 playoff teams and two All-Stars for good measure. Tested out well on the forums, give it a whirl.
- JerryD's 2004 Playoff ROM - Same idea as Scroope - the eight playoff teams and AL/NL. Rosters accurate as of 10-6-2004, so it has the season-ending stats. Also got good reviews on the forums, so compare and contrast.
- Chet Lyon's 2003 ROMs - A great set of ROMs covering all 30 MLB teams and current as of the start of the 2003 season. Due to the team limitations in the original, it is split up into 3 ROMs and the teams are grouped based on their skill level. His website has all the details.
- MarquisEXB's 2002 ROM - Originally based off of Chet's ROM, the ten best teams of the 2002 season. Marquis used a custom ratings system so the players aren't quite as powerful as the 2003, but it plays a bit more similar to the original. Very well done...
- MarquisEXB's Best of the 1970s - Featuring the ten of the toughest teams from 1970-1979. Relive the 1975 World Series or see how the Big Red Machine would fare against the 3x champ Athletics. Very well done...
- Ryno's Greats of the 1980s - Ten all-time teams from the 1980s, using stats strictly from 1980 to 1989 - Cubs, Cards, Reds, Braves, Mets, Yankees, A's, Orioles, Royals and Red Sox. Click here for full rosters and abilities.
- MarquisEXB's Best of the 1990s - Featuring the ten of the toughest teams from 1990-1999. Relive the Joe Carter dinger off Mitch Williams or see how the Bash Brothers of 1990 would fare against the Yankees of 1998. It's all here...
- Fryak's 2004 ROM - Well-made ROM featuring the 8 playoff teams from 2003 with their opening day 2004 rosters. Also includes the two All-Star teams and an guest RBI'er on each team's bench! Good attention to detail and power numbers...
- Tigermask's Best of Decades - Submitted 4/2004, a nice ROM containing a "best of" team from each decade starting with the 1910s. Statistics are mostly an average of their best years, with exceptional numbers as a single year. Click here for rosters.
- "The Ross" Best of Decades - Featuring a great team from each decade of the 20th centruy. A little unpolished and missing team names, but fun to play. The teams - 1909 Pirates, 1915 Red Sox, 1927 Yankees, 1930 Athletics, 1948 Indians, 1955 Dodgers, 1967 Cardinals, 1975 Reds, 1984 Tigers and 1992 Blue Jays.
- "The Ross" World Series 1980-1984 - All the World Series teams from 1980-1984, a fun trip down memory lane. Missing team names, but the teams are sequential.
- RBI 2000 - The eight original teams from RBI, plus the New York Yankees and Atlanta Braves. Stats and players from 2000 season, haven't played...
- RBI Anti-Heroes - The worst of the worst, each team has their weakest hitter used 9 times in the lineup. The hitters are Mike Witt, Spike Owen, Doyle Alexander, Steve Lombardozzi, Denny Walling, Rafael Santana, Steve Lake, Robbie Thompson, Willie Randolph and Al Pedrique. A little rough around the edges, but a neat idea. Who is the best with the worst?
- RBI Greats - Untested, but looks like a good one. All-time best players from select teams - I saw Detroit had Cobb, Heilman, etc. Team names don't match up for everyone, Minnesota was the Reds. Try it out and let me know...
Alternate League ROMs
Since the number of ROMs was piling up, I decided to make a section for user-created ROMs that were leagues outside of the regular MLB teams and players. A great way to learn about other baseball leagues and fun to play. Learn and be entertained, the tenets of Dee-Nee.
- Cafetero's Mexican League 1979 - Very cool set of ROMs featuring the Northern and Southern Zones of the 1979 Mexican Leagues. It was the last big year of the Mexican League before the big strike of 1980. Good pitching and weak hitting, in the Mexican League mold. Great test of smallball, give it a whirl. Note that there are two ROMs in the zipfile, one for each zone.
- DrNick's Japanese Leage and Negro League ROM A split ROM containing 5 all-time teams from both the Negro Leagues and the Japanese League. Great attention to detail and the mix of leagues yields some very intersting play. For a list of teams and rosters, click here. Also see DrNick's forums post for more insight on how he came up with the numbers.
- Briznock's Heaven vs Hell ROM - The ultimate computer challenge. Briznock replaced the All-Star teams with a Team Heaven and Team Hell. Both teams have maxed out abilities for all the players/pitchers. It is very difficult to beat a Heaven or Hell team with a standard team. Everyone who gets tired of whooping on the computer should play this. Also a fun 2-player ROM.
- fightonusc's Greats of College Baseball - Great ROM featuring the best all-time teams from 10 of the legendary collegiate baseball programs. And yes, Reggie Jackson is on there. Big power and speed numbers, very fun to play head-to-head. For a list of teams and rosters, click here
- Hacked Family Stadium 1985-2000 - I don't know where I got this one, but I think a Japanese baseball fan edited the Family Stadium ROM to add the best Japanese players and teams. It's all in Japanese, but probably a good one for fans of Japanese baseball.
[RBI Baseball Main]
[Drinking Game]