The RBI Baseball Baseball Page

RBI Baseball Tournaments

Upcoming National Tournament

Joe Cordiano (aka JoeDirt on the forums) is organizing a national, 16-man open tournament in Columbus, Ohio in late June 2005. Check out his tournament page for details and info on signing up. I will be there along with a bunch of RBI players from all around the country. Come by and play against the best RBI has to offer!


Most of the losers who are still playing RBI do so because it's one of the best two-player games out there. Even though it is crude and rather basic, there's something about the head-to-head games in RBI. If it were strictly a one-player game, this website would not be here. The biggest RBI event for us is our annual RBI Tourney. We typically have it around Lipitz's birthday (late April) and devote the day to drinking and RBI. In the tourney finals, there are four players.

Our Rules

  1. Most importantly - All games are playing according to the rules of the RBI Drinking Game.
  2. No All-Star teams allowed
  3. Semi-finals are a 2-game round robin, meaning everyone plays everyone twice.
  4. Order of the games is chosen out of a hat
  5. Games are played in two-game series.
  6. Choice of team alternates, with the first team out of hat getting first choice.
  7. Top two records (everyone will have played 6 games) go to finals.
  8. If there is a tie, head-to-head record is used***
  9. If there is still a tie, most slaughters is used
  10. If there is still a tie, total runs is used
  11. Finals are a best-of-three series
  12. Best record from semis gets choice of team in games 1&3
  13. First to win two games is the RBI Champion

*** - If three teams are tied, rules 8-10 are applied until one team comes out on top. The remaining teams re-start the tiebreaker at rule #8. If all four teams tie at 3-3, the entire tourney is replayed at a later date (does not apply to qualifiers).

The Results

We have had a total of 8 RBI Tournaments, the first of which began in 1999. Potsie is the both the original and current RBI Champion. Mark won year two while Gantry won year three. The only person with no championships under his belt is Lipitz. We have been very lazy with statistics and the like, but here's what have so far. Click on the year to get the breakdowns:

Upcoming 16-Man Tourney

Mike Beales is organizing an open 16-player tourney in the Chicago area, and you're all invited. It's happening in June 2006 and you can get more info on his page here. If you have any questions be sure and E-Mail him. I have no hand in the tourney organization, though I plan to be there with my pathetic curve-style skills...